

A Day Like Today
Write a poem on how to do something mundane most people take for granted, such as how to tie your shoes, how to turn on a lamp, how to pour a cup of coffee.

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the things I used to do
before they begin to hurt
I didn't really realize
what they would be worth

over and under
now back through
over it
passed it
through it
brand new

even the smallest things
be a bridge just too far
like getting out of bed and just making it to the car

we never realize how much our mobility is worth
until pain comes to take us from ready function on earth

many times we've regained the movement we had
for little miracles we rejoice and usually feel glad
but pounds of the pain takes away all our mirth
we began to slow down and feel worse and worse

this is the way that death will come for us all
animal and man both great and small
today's light will dim long before it has gone
how many of us will lose the things that made us want to go on?

dig deep and be strong are the things that they say
but they're usually young and strong
and they never had a day like today

© Satu