


What and who am I looking at and seeing?
A creation, sometimes hopeful but then again questioning,
When things do not go as you thought they should.

Wanting the adventure but afraid of what may occur,
Risking everything but not wanting to lose it all,
But not trying, then always wondering only “what if”you had.

Always critical of what is lacking,
Failing to see the good being overshadowed by the mistakes,
Expectations set so high that perfection can’t reach.

Deflecting that mentality to those closest,
At times driving them away,
Settling for being alone than adapting to loosening the reins.

I’m disappointed in the person you’re creating,
Give yourself a break and relax a little,
The world will continue to revolve if every task is not done.

There is always tomorrow, another day,
An opportunity to start again.
A new day to attempt, try and experience just who knows what?

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