

Deep Inside Life
of a thousand lonley seas,
up untill now,
hidden well,
Their overwhelming waters
sent floodgates bursting open. Flooding the masses for an eternity.
So much causeless fear rose within
the never ending pain
of a heart beating slowly.
The same horrid sound
of the universe breathing,
ever so quietly,
just teasing nature,
adding a humor to the mystery.
Here is the center of the clock
the one that never tiks
marking the beginning
and the end
of everything.
Time drapes itself around me
darkening my soul
exposing me to all depression
within this reality
laying bit by bit
ALL the darkness holds
into the only shred of light I own.
Yet I do not understand truths calls
for they do ring in my head.
Unfortunately in tongues
never before spoken.
And knowing, yet not knowing
usually having every answer
no order to the questions ,
us all struggling with life
tears rip out loved one's eyes
just for more days taken
unnecessary to be wasting
killing us
so slowly so i
discover my purpose
or reach the true meaning of my life.
Preventing any sence of knowing
for to achieve such knowledge
would render reality and time useless
life as a mystery type journey
without the suspense .
Life is a balance, only patterns with new names, new orders,
influencing everyone to have a turn oh so uniquely celebrating their victories
forgetting that even in the smallest gain of one's self,
lies ones own or another's sacrifice
vice versa
All weighed by importance to each individual
chaotically putting the fate of all
in each persons hand
so that is why,
when we spend stretches of
our existence, depressed
crying , alone,
grieving, regretting
fearing, hurting.....
When torn down
keep aware this will change
ease will come
but every minute of pain suffered
allows another to bask in happiness
we all take turns existing in the light
as our luck will allow
and we gamble moment's
writing our own stories
best any person could
until we achieve peace
the day death rides in
on his mighty steed of the night
and rescues us
the day we become the night
the battle ends
when it is finally over
we may be free