

Whispers of nature
The breeze that sways the trees.
The chirping of the birds so loud,
They sing their melodies with ease.
The rustling leaves and dancing flowers,
The scent of earth so sweet.

The sun shines down, a golden shower,
A summer heat that can't be beat.
A moment in time, so serene,
The peace that nature brings.

Whispering wind and rustling leaves,
A chorus of songbirds soaring high.
The quiet hush of whispering trees,
The creatures that creep, scurry by.

The splash of water, the babbling brook,
The lullaby of summer rain.
A symphony of nature's book,
With harmony that's not in vain.

These whispers, they are nature's call,
A language we can all perceive.
A song that's sung for one and all,
A beauty we should all believe.

The rhythm of the earth and sky,
A beauty we should all behold.
Whispers of nature, all around.

#PawanBalli #Whisperingnatur

© Eva Evans