

Slience kills
The days too eventually fell silent,
No sounds, not even by the crows,
All you could hear was the sound of,
Fear knocking on the doors,
In creeping silence ,approached the yellow flame
Concealing everything under its crispy velvet
Bearing nothing , daring nothing
Fear is emerged .
Who is coming ?
Who is there at the door ?
Nothing can be seen or heard
They come invisible
I can hear someone knocking at my door
I opened my eyes and the door
It was my cat after some private business
It seemed sick and pale
Fear was there
I touched it
It sprang and ran away to a.gloom
Has it knelled the alarm
That prevailed
None was seen outside
Death comes in its barly form ?
What happened to the crows who cried loud
And people who used to pass ?
Where are they now ?
I saw where my cat stayed hidden
It was inside a box in the corner
Sleeping silently yet deeply
Was it near death ?
I watched from the window
The water drops fell silently
Over rhe leaves and the grass green
Among the leaves was a bird hanging lifeless
There were msny more
I quickly looked at the cat
It was gone many minutes ago
It is everywhere invisible

© N. Gamage