

When others shine with grades so bright,
And I struggle through the night,
I feel like I don't quite fit,
Like I'm lagging behind, a bit.
I feel like I'm swimming against the tide,
My friends' achievements shine like stars up bright,
While mine seem dim, a flickering light.

But then I remember, I'm unique,
My path is mine, my pace is sleek,
I learn in ways that others may not see,
And my strengths lie in areas yet to be.
For every star that shines so bold,
There's a different story yet untold,
And mine is still being written, page by page,
With every step, a new stage.
I focus on my own pace, my own stride,
And celebrate the small wins, step by step inside,
For every triumph, no matter how small,
Is a victory that stands tall.
To learn, to grow, and to do our best
We're not in a race, to see who can win
But on a journey, to discover and begin

Comparisons can be a tricky game,
They can make us feel like we're to blame,
But I won't let them define my worth,
I'll focus on my own growth and this earth.
But then I pause, and take a breath,
And remember that we're all on different paths,
Their journey's not mine, and mine's not theirs,
We're all unique, with our own stories to share.
So let's celebrate our differences, you see,
Cheer each other on, wild and free,
And embrace our individuality,
For in our own way, we all shine so bright,
And that's what makes the world a beautiful sight.

So I'll focus on my own path, my own way
And celebrate the progress, I make each day
I'll learn from my mistakes, and rise above
And find my own strengths and love

For, in the end, it's not about the grades
But about the journey, and the lessons we've made
And find our success, before the day is gone
© P.jelilah