

broken dreams
A million words won't bring you back
Because I tried
A million tears can't bring you back
Because I cried
All I can do right now is to believe in God
And the good time we together spent
Because I'm tired
Gonna give the time some time to heal the pain
Untill then I'm gonna suffer again nd again

If I'm the villain of our story it's my fault
If that's true I'm my own assault.... let's just say

Not your fault at all you deserved to be happy
Suffering maybe is my destiny by the way
I swear Loving you was the only thing I was sure about.
All the day and night 'i love you' is the only things my mind shouts about
Now time has come to prove the surity
Our story maybe was just a fairytale
If it became a 'maybe' I should be the guilty
Now my turn to suffer it all alone
Thanks to hold my hand untill the moment I realised a lot
Thanks for being that happy part of my lifeless life every day
Gonna praise your huge existence in the little piece of my life's knot 🪢
Be happy just however that's all I'm gonna say
I really loved you by the way....ikuk
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