

When the gods wish to punish you for being a woman
They gift you gentleness,
A forgiveness so harsh it takes all that you are to give.
You wear your mother’s face and a robe made out of her traumas.
They bless you with a body capable of bruising and they send you men with hands like sandpaper,
When the gods wish to punish you for being a woman.
They gift you a body that seduces, a body like temptation,
and you are the moon
so wolves would howl, dogs would bark.
When the gods wish to punish you for being a woman,
They gift you a voice without sound
and you learn to cry in whispers.
They gift you understanding,
you empathize, the predators are hungry
so here you are!!
sacrificial lamb on the altar of your lover’s bed.
When the gods wish to punish you for being a woman,
They tell call you temptress,
your body fights you and the world calls you sensitive
You bear soldiers and you become a spoil of war.
The only prey who wombs its hunter.
When the gods wish to punish you for being a woman,
they make sure you are incapable of floating and
You are the only drowning thing that forgives the ocean.
© Hope