

Forever in a 100 years
In shadows deep, where secrets lie,
Spirits wander 'neath endless sky,
We ponder thoughts that make us sigh,
Why and what they imply?

Why do we struggle, fiercely fight,
For knowledge of eternal light?
In this brief span, can we ignite
Truth that's veiled in night?

Through centuries, we chase the past,
Infinite knowledge, vast and vast,
A fleeting whisper, oh how it's cast,
Will forever truly last?

Within this mortal coil, so frail,
We seek to understand the tale,
Of mysteries we cannot unveil,
The truth obscured by veil.

The clock ticks on, each passing day,
As twilight's shadow finds its way,
And with each dusk, we stop and say
The answers here may stay.

The raven cries, a mournful sound,
Echoing through the sacred ground,
In cosmic harmony, so profound,
The answers still not found.

The carousel of time spins fast,
Centuries fly by, ghosts of the past,
Yet still we yearn, for truths to amass,
Through darkness we hold fast.

For all we know, with limited sight,
Stifled by our brief candle's light,
The mysteries of the eternal night,
Elude our grasp so tight.

But still we search in shadows deep,
Escaping fate's relentless sweep,
With open eyes, awaking from sleep,
For answers we shall reap.

In this grand cycle without end,
We strive to apprehend and comprehend,
But as the pendulum does descend,
The most important mysteries—suspend.
© NightSwimThePoet