

Inner Demons
Unlike most of my poetry, this one will not rhyme. It will not have a rhythm. I just need to get a rant out tonight.

Everywhere I look, I see them
With my eyes closed, I hear them
In my anger, I feel them gain strength

In prayer, they kneel in His honor
They grow silent at the sound of His name
When He is with me, they keep their distance

They've given me advice in my past
Much like the wisdom of old fools
Sometimes I was led astray

When I finally fell He took my hand
When I lost faith, He gave me more
When I walk His path, they watch and wait

They know I am weak
They know I am prone to fail
They see me as I was

He sees the strength I hide
He knows the successes I haven't accomplished yet
He died to take my fear of death

He, and He alone can give me strength.
He alone has the power
And with His help, I am inevitable
© Geoffrey Shelton