

Cleaner, underestimated
Cleaning lady - a woman not always appreciated Regards 🤸‍♀️

It's me, a brave woman
According to some, only the cleaner
I also know those who make fun of
This woman is fucked up
They say that because they don't know me
I can laugh at them
But I'm not laughing
I can't be like them
I even feel sorry for them
When I see them walking frustrated
They go to work with their heads down
They look like they are going to doom
I feel sorry for them
I know how much stress it costs them
Everything there on time
Orders, deadlines, break in the run
But enough about them
I go to my work
Where I am the boss myself
I already know my activities by heart
I'm such a super hero
I am a supercleaner
So I go ahead
Time to fight
I turn on the music and catch the beat
I sing joyfully as I dance with the mop
My crumbs, come here to me
Wait a minute
It can not be like that
Coffee time
So I'll slow down, sit down
I will not put any pressure on myself
I have time
I'll do what I do
I'll check the end after myself
It does not fit to shoot blunders
And it's done!
Everything looks like new again
How lovely here
I appreciate myself
There is no magic in my hands
Just take a look
What a flash here, how cheerful it is now
My role is fulfilled
I killed the bacteria
I destroyed the virus
The fool will laugh
A wise man will say thank you
"Cleaner, underestimated" by Jacek Sloka
© Jack Slo