

The chapters you never heard
by Tushar


My life is an open book,
That lead me through every nook,
And every corner of discovery,
Of life's long journey,

Learning from the past,
Whose lessons are vast,
Making every day as a new opportunity,
Live your life with greater immunity,

Have the desire to create something new,
That makes you noble among the few,
Gain knowledge from everywhere,
It will definitely be useful somewhere,

Keep your dreams as your top priority,
You're social life as a minority,
Everybody has the same brain,
But most use it as a measure of small grain,

There is no replacement for hard work,
To keep it smooth alike do smart work,
Everybody has a goal in their mind,
But only a few are damn determined,

It's never too late to start again your paused goal,
You might be just a thread difference from your goal,
Try until your last minute of life,
And remember Never give up in life,

The poem says it all, follow your passion, wholeheartedly, with wide mind.
Anything is possible
#poems #writertushar
#inspirationalone #mindsetmatters
Date: 08/07/2020

© Tusharr.thoughts