

Dear Sadness
Dear Sadness, a formidable foe,
With heavy heart, I write this letter so.
A poet's pen shall dance upon the page,
In an attempt to capture your deepest rage.

You, a relentless shadow upon the soul,
A haunting melody that takes its toll.
In shades of gray, my world is painted,
With hints of blue, my spirit tainted.

Oh Sadness, you're a sly illusion,
A melancholic mistress in sweet confusion.
Like a thorny rose that pricks my heart,
You tear me apart, though we never part.

I am but a vessel, lost in your sea,
Where laughter floats away, and silence drowns me.
You wrap around my thoughts like a bitter vine,
Draining joy and leaving melancholy as mine.

Through sleepless nights, your whispers echo,
Like a mournful wind through the weeping willow.
You mock my dreams with your cruel laughter,
Leaving fragments of hope scattered ever after.

In the abyss of tears, where no light shines,
You paint a portrait of sorrow, oh master of mines.
Yet, in your darkness, a flicker of truth I see,
For without you, dear Sadness, I could never truly be me.

But be warned, you deceptive muse,
For I shall find strength amidst the bruise.
Like a phoenix rising from ashes, renewed,
I shall conquer your sad symphony, imbued.

So, Sadness, let this letter be my decree,
That I shall not succumb to your misery.
For in your grasp, I shall find my way,
To a brighter dawn, where happiness holds sway.

Farewell, Sadness, with your clever cloak,
Your presence fades as my spirit awoke.
Though you linger, eternally, in the depths below,
I shall rise above, and in my heart, joy will grow.
© dougienever