

All was just merely coincidence,
Mismatching the present for the past,
Believed it was related to past-life experience,
Hope that the next day wouldn't be the last…

thought for the paths untravelled
for the tasks untested for the time invested
for the pages unread and for the dreams unsaid
went through old beureaus and bundles
as a lot was there still left unravelled

All was just merely coincidence,
Mismatching the present from the past,
looking forward to conscience's insistense
carrying a resolution to long last

Coping with the freights and self doubt
hailing the new morning
reaching new heights
resolving the older fights
and making me proud

Heading to explore the unexplored
leaving behind the baggage of
thins and lows
with all my determination poured

Believing that the past life experience
will no longer be an inhibition
but the fuel to ignite new ambition
Knowing that the next day
is not the last
as I'm not done yet
still have to go a long way

© Minakshi Mishra