

A Stranger Within
Moments of peace we share
Moments of Joy we bear
Moments of laughter fills the air
All with love the earth gives a mother's care

Stealthily, comes in this stranger
With the smell of danger too great to wager
Foul smells accompanies his every step
Dominating the nostrils of many and leaving them dead

The days too eventually fell silent,
No sounds, not even by the crows,
All you could hear was the sound of,
Fear knocking on the doors,

Freedom walked out of the door
Leaving humanity momentarily bound
Loneliness becomes the pal to many
Many wishing they valued what they had until now

Like a dream the earth seems like another planet
Humanity feeling like wanting to take a bow
But like a brave warrior not giving up
Faith responds to fear fighting to get a cure

A cure to the worries of humanity
A cure to the cries of the world
A cure to this war without weapons
A cure that will restore peace to All
© Thebeezybee