

A lightening stroke a tree
And the woods were set on fire
It's heat and blazing flames,
were the words that abide for desire

The mid-night had no peace,
when the wild creatures left without the diseased
All the cries and pain was unheard,
cause the burned skin turned to ashes

Now the land was all Barren
Only the cold breeze swayed in scene
The last green leaves already dried up
And no more spring to be seen

But the sun did rose high
The land existed from far sight
Even in the dessert lived it's kind
And so the land was just another type

© Dshri

Note: In life not everyone is successful or doesn't own a big value...but it's fine cause there's things we can do, be it small or not well respected, we'll still put our hands into it. Though people might have betrayed and left us, we still need to stand again and have our own existence being known.....Proving ourselves being 'The only kind'.