

Let It Meet Me At The Gate
Let it meet me at the gate
Whether they're golden or weather-worn
Gladly I'll walk through
Knowing I'd had my turn
Lived each day till full
Yearned each and every one
Yet life wears you down
Like the heel of a well-loved shoe
When the curtains finally close
When lids see nothing more
When the last heartbeat gives its all
I'll welcome the final hour
When death comes a-knocking
Finally closing its door
I'll say Adieu, adieu, adieu...

© PoetReBlossoms


(After an experience, I realised, we are taught to fear death, to shun its very name, yet if we'd only embrace it, there'd be no reason to fear it. To prepare for our inevitable end, like birthdays, there'd be reason to celebrate - not dread - so this poem was inspired by this unexpected realisation).