

Peeking at Pink Lotus
In a land of gods , fairies and demons
the wonderful humans have no rights
to derive their dominion by relations
they had been cannon fodder in fights.

Gods are in least with no population at all
Restricted by the earthly laws inside
And Fairies like to hide inside pious wall
But Demons dare never ever to abide
By the rules ;the ancestor god had stated
To make the peace of this world upgraded.

Thousand millennium had been passed
No one remeber that the promise
Made by the demons by the war at last
Did then Ancestor god make them rise
And let them live like free beings of heaven
Peaceness appeared but ancestor did vanish.

Omens of red dark clouds arrived in time
predicted by the seers of Profound Temple The curse was left due to a henious crime
And to save all beings,the gods had to trample....

The might of evil cloud curse in the sky
They sacrificed themselves to magnify
All powers of a weapon of ancestor god
In the end, they killed the evil cloud lord.

The time passed away in a blink of eye
The world became silent and shy
in the eastern empire of lowly humans
the immortal aura entered that burns
the blue invisible protective domain layer
which had been set up by royal caretaker

In the royal palace of Eastern empire
the Queen was staring her maid Sapphire
A belly so big that seemed like a baloon
Queen exclaimed ,"is it a curse or a boon "

Then a child was born in a Celestial attire
not visible to the beings of this world entire
Queen again exclaimed," cutest then mine
Oh ! if I can adopt him in case Sire is fine".

The caring queen held the baby in her arms
and patted on head but received baby alarms
wind so cool enterd her breast and heart
Queen became silent then came out a fart
"Oh my My heaven I fart I had never
Oh you child what devil you did deliver"
Red wine of a glass is lusted in luster
shyness forced all curses out in cluster
Sapphire the mother smiled but deepened
"Princess!Please!take care my baby to the end
Blink Blink Blink the soul left the dead earth
Baby seemed to tear up showing his wrath
The Queen seeing this friend of her dying
Cried in silence but concoled the baby "Why my baby is crying"

Rushed over the garden with wind over the back
Queen tried to make the saddening memories of baby go blank .

© Swords_Sky