

You asked me to Stop...
You asked me to stop listening
You wanted me to avoid thinking
You pleaded with me to deter observing
You solicited me to be stagnant and not care.
Remember when you beseeched me to stop loving?
I do remember and don't care if, you don't

Just tell me!
Should I wait or just die?
Should I live or just breathe?
Should I see or just ignore it?
Remember when you asked me to stop demanding?
I do remember and don't care if, you don't

Now if you are back and I'm resisting
Don't ask me to stop, because now I won't
Indeed, I didn't stop back then
I listened to nature saying a lot and, thought about the change
I observed people becoming wiser and, cared for my immaturity
I loved every second of my life, which my struggle was occupying
Remember when I asked you to stop and you didn't?
I do remember and don't care if, you don't

Now keep one thing with your lingering thoughts, that I won't stop
I just can't stop, after traveling this way long
Nothing in the universe can ever stop
Not even a lifeless body, neither a slashed tree
Not a soul, even after cessation
I'll keep flowing like air and water and enjoy every shade of it
Remember when you asked me to stop and I didn't?
Do remember that as I do, because it's good for you!
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