

Different Circumstances
Some people sometimes have greatness overcome them where they alway do things for that one person they are defined by as well as completely, deeply, and passionately in love with.
What ever it takes to make them feel like they are the center of attention, To show their importants to them and just to let them know and understand how much they are wanted, belong, and needed in their life. This can't be helped because that person really is all you think about every part of everyday. It's like every time you pursue anything you have that person who is closest to you right their on your mind and your wondering what they are thinking about every moment, Uplifting yourself with divine happiness only they can give you. That alone effects every decision your making or has its bearing on the way you handle yourself and your business it alone redesignes the structure you rebuild and deliver your composure into. Like that person is your biggest fan and you are the entire team they are cheering for. The only thing is alot of times that person isn't even aware of these emotional feelings and statues that your heart governors over. Because in your body your heart rules the kingdom writing the laws for the rest of your mind and body to set forth and carry out the orders commanded.
Maybe you should just be outloud about how you respect the person who you have this bond with and tell them how much you respect what they think and the way you admire everything about them down to the way they walk when they carry their body and move through the room towards you. What I'm saying is don't let things just happen for nothing or do things and leave them unnoticed from any Repercussion or solitude you may be able to withstand, Hold in, or Do without. Just be honest with yourself and believe in love but at the same time make sure love is beleaving in you and you have loves attention just as much as it has your own. Other wise you may be doing what you can't help, For nothing. Be real about you and everything will follow. Never lie to yourself and you will find you won't be missled. Then when you find what you been looking for..Be willing to stand up and fight for what you beleave is worth keeping. But know you are in control of your destiny and incharge of your dreams. Then you can just keep on loving what loves you back. What else is their?

Thomas Lanny