

Theory of Agape
To pacify a friends' emotionally disturbed heart, To handle the twists and turns of life, We have to try to lend a hand and help each other out, Because living alone is like holding the edge of a knife. Sometimes muddy water looks way deep to walk through but there is a way fear gets frightened after a new subject takes your hand, helping a friend who is emotionally traumatized will get you closer to his/ her happiness, or perhaps make you their smile. Emotions are complex issues to deal with because they differ from person to person but to help out and when called upon is sign to make you close to Heavens because its there that love originates.
Moving on is an option to take if you feel like but the greatest smiles happen on two cheeks and if only one engages then, it is called Sardonic.
The smile is a resource infact, it's the only resource you must enjoy with giving it out, if you want to fully put your lips to good use, heal a broken cheek, a broken smile, Be a 'god', make a smile for a some one. Talk to them, this alone will make you feel like your putting your lips to good use. In life, love is an investment but healing love is like putting a declining investment into a line of profit. So for your company to grow, create profits!!
Heal and love.
© Kaiso Isaac