

Some will forget about you after you've passed away.
Few will rememberd and love you when your at your best or when your no longer among us.
They only remember you when they touches something that belongs to you or memories they shared with you. Only the persons that actually cared and loved you will not forgotten you.
As soon as your at your lowest they will forget about you until your back on your feet.
You ever noticed that only when your dead the most persons around you,talks positive things about you and actually spend alot of money but when your alive they hardly want to give you some salt,sugar,rice.Only the real ones will cry and actually feel the pain to loose you and never forget about you.
Always remember that not everyone shows up at your funeral cares about you.They showed up for food while the rest showed up for respect and remember Most persons that showed up at your funeral doesn't even liked you.
© Annastacia smith