

You'll be the Death of Me
"You'll be the death of me," he softly sighed,
A whispered plea, fear and love allied.
In every glance, in each embrace, he knew,
The bond they've shared, both deep and true.

Yet in his heart, a subtle dread did dwell,
For in her presence, he felt under a spell.
A tantalizing danger, a forbidden thrill,
He couldn't resist, though he knew that chill.

With every touch, her poison seeped within,
A sweet intoxication, a dangerous sin.
Wriggled on the edge, between love and pain,
Knowing full well, he had so much to gain.

But as sunny days passed, nights growing cold,
He realized the truth, too late, too bold.
For in her arms, he found her demise,
A bittersweet end, beneath the starlit skies.

"You'll be the death of me," he softly cried,
As he surrendered to fate, and to her, he died.

© TheRetro_Reader