

we are the broken pieces
Her blackened eyes stare me,
She shakes her head as if to say,
I’ve to do this… I’m protecting you…”
She’s begging me to go to my room…
She’s pleading, her bruised face is pleading…
She knows that this will not stop…

As I flee to my room,
A coward, broken and frightened…
I bury myself in bed, deeper and deeper,
My bedcover envelops me,
I beg whatever gods may be for rescue…

Suddenly there’s silence screaming out,
I hear that monster, I refuse to give him any other name, Trudge drunkenly to the door, Scratch! SCRAATCH!!
I jump out of bed as the door slams open,

I start to whimper
My heart is palpitating against my chest
Thump! THUMP!! THUMP!!!
Painfully awake and tortured by her shrilly and harrowing screams, Stop! STOP!! STOP!!!
I’m sorry! No!
No… no… n-noo….

I jolt up
Awoken from this terrible nightmare, of things long gone…
My back is drenched with sweat,

And yet the screams still haunt me,
The nightmares unending,
And every day is a constant reminder of this terror…
I need this to end,
This despair clawing at my heart and gnawing my mind…
I can’t it anymore:
The scars, the screams, the abuse…

Momma, I need to escape,
I’m sorry you birthed a coward,
At least with my death calm and peace will return…
I will be deaf to the cries,
Blind to the bruises and scars, And numb to the pain.
© solum_orbis