

Eye see into you
You can see me
Yet do you know me?
Can you hear me
In my silence so to speak?
I see you as if you were magnified
I feel you deep inside
I hear you and read between your lines
I love sharing space
I enjoy the echoes
I appreciate the roaring laughter
The sigh after
When the dopamine has already ran out of the race
This is exhilarating
You keep leaving your scent on my Clothes
Trapped with your pheromones
Mildly pleasant
But your soul is so intricate
Beyond the meaning
If you can come to think of it
Speak of it in ways I can relate
Let's just sleep on it
And come back to it another day
This is exhilirating
To pray for another tomorrow in this way
To really appreciate this moment like Yesterday was but a daze
To dream of it and still feel awake
It's fun
I like this place
I see your energy
You left a stamp on my lace blouse
And in My house
One I can't erase because it's bound
Anyhow if It had been toxic it would have been removed
one two three
Stop acting like I didn't choose to keep you All over me
I see you
But do you know me?


©2020 LaceyFetters