

Towards You
Pardon me for how weird I can be
I just wanted to throw some hints
But then when I get called out for it
I start to fear, I start to panick.

You may be confused and so am I
I don't know what choice to choose
If I don't have yet the answers to my whys
Then how could I make the step towards you

I'm surprised that it isn't obvious
But I guess it should stay in that way
For me, you are surely too precious
I rather make me suffer, than to see you go away

To be honest, I'm clueless on how to explain
On how you made me feel and change
At first I thought such feelings will fade
But whenever you're back, my love appears again

Though I wonder if it is really love?
Or did I just get attached once again
Got attached so much yet I'm not numb
When it comes on hearing "Let's make this end."

I do know that you surely love her
Who am I too stop you from what you feel
If I myself, isn't able to make it disappear
And so my feelings, I always have to seal

Dark secrets yet the truth
Should never be exposed
For it'll result a wound
In my heart wanting you
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