

What kind of world do I find myself?
Wolves living in sheep clothings
Devils in white robes
All in the name of Religion
When the savior walked on Earth,He left us a life style not churches
Oh!! wicked men
Why have you deviated from the actual purpose?
You rather seek for physical things than spiritual freedom
You enrich sinners like you,all in the name of sowing seeds
You Bozo's
when will you learn?..You are sowing stones not seeds... they'll never grow
Every 31st you scream a New year of this and that
Fools...The coming year will come and go with a lot of souls with it
Haven't you thought about it, If a year you are to go comes, Will you be worthy before the savior?
Infact ,Can your so called men of God save you?
Even a Muslim can be a Christian because Christianity in not in a church but in the lifestyles of men
Make a U-turn now
Open your eyes, Come back to your God
Because the journey to heaven is not counted by how many church services you attended
Be Warned !!!!!