

Ink and Pages
In youth, I sparked a fervent quest,
People vied for me, their curiosity at best.
My contents coveted, my secrets untold,
I reveled in praise, my heart made of gold.

With pride, I shared my knowledge wide,
A treasure trove, where minds could reside.
But seasons passed, and I was left behind,
In a library, where few hearts entwined.

Dust settled upon my cover worn,
Forgotten, I feared my purpose torn.
Yet hope lingered, a glimmer of light,
A dream that one day, I'd shine so bright.

And then, a scholar chanced upon my shelf,
Uncovered my tales, and revived my self.
With renewed purpose, my words took flight,
Illuminating minds, banishing the night.

Though forgotten, I never gave up the quest,
For in the darkness, hope finds its nest.
And when the sun rises, a new day unfolds,
My story lives on, forever to be told.
© anaya raj singh