

Take Note To Self
If I were to die tomorrow,
I'll take away all my sorrows
with all the errors I've erred.
Nevertheless, people care less and
believe that I'm careless,
that's the thing,
I should care less and
focus on myself.
Take note to Self.

life's like push_ups.
it's either I fall,get back up
or go down and give up,
the choice is mine.
My choices can lead me to the destination with no satisfaction.
Those are the results of all the actions based on bad decisions,
to myself that's a conclusion.

Take note to self.
I'm only human,
I make mistakes,put Lives at stake.
If that what's it takes to fix my mistakes
than I rest my case,
even though that doesn't make me human any less.

The truth is,
There's no other me in me that you can find without me.
You know what I mean?
people look for satisfaction
and want to control you like a PlayStation,
Captain pay attention,life is not a cell,no detention.
You better start accelerating before you start regretting,and migrate to the wrong direction,"satisfaction"
as they expect perfection.

No one is weak
except that we're unique,
there's a link,
just think.
Take note to self.

© Black Pearl