

There's nothing in this world that could replace you
In a see of people I'd always find you
When I see you and have you near I just hope I make you happy
I still can't believe that this is the reality

Thank you for seeing my worth
I also see yours, but maybe you don't know
You are worth it and it will always be like that
I wake up to your goodnights and you wake up to my goodmornings

There's no other way to describe how I feel but I love you
I knew I love you because of an unexplainable feeling
I didn't know it was jealousy, I never knew
So I supported you with someone who you liked the most

I was crying when I knew because I knew that I won't have a chance with you
I guess I was wrong
Up to this day I will always be thankful for you
You're treating me nicely, I miss you, I love you so much more than you'll ever know

© RylL