

My India
I dream to visit a country of goodness,
Which may be known for its greatness.
And has stories that are mysterious.
Where the people are well conscious.

Where the people are together in unity,
Where they treat others with dignity.
The place which depends on the truth,
Where the people's heart is full of Ruth.

I made a tour in all the countries,
But they didn't met with my dream's boundaries.
But with the broken heart I step towards my own nation,
And start again a new rehabilitation.

I got my dream come true in my nation,
All that was in my imagination.
Unity in diversity is common here,
The fragrance of love, joy and peace is spreaded here.

India is a country full of goodness,
Which is know for its greatness.
And stories of this land are mysterious,
Here people are well conscious.

India is country know for unity,
Even it's full of diversity.
Himalayas are the Indian pride,
Many rivers flows in its side to side.

India is blessed with nature's graces,
Unique are its beautiful places .
Beauty of nature here will mesmerize you,
You will appreciate it I already new.

India is a country full of goodness,
It is know for it's greatness.
Special is for me it's every part,
I love my country from bottom of my heart.

- Sidhant Mehra

© sidhant