

By The Window
She sits by the window
Broken pieces sewed up like a rag doll
From a Childhood she never had

Hair; dark as night
Dark like Charcoal the painter uses
Staying up late to sketch the face of a love long

Eyes; Sharp as a knife
Piercing the flesh of a freshly slaughtered meat
The heartless butcher so easily throws on the Display counter

Lips; Chapped & Stained wine red
Like the stains on her father's plush white Couch
That Screams Murder

Nose; Pierced & Straight
'Forward and Straight' ge recites before Piercing Her Body &
Sucking the life out of her like he was taught To

Body; Skeletal & Fragile
Bones poking out of her skin, Stomach screaming
For Nutrients
The Magazine Has Deprived her of

Heart; Beating but Dead & Broke
Like the Empty Picture Frames on the Wall
Of Memories that could have been but
Never Were.....

© Willows