

A sweet hello to you my dear
Dear I mean to the upcoming year
Bring our lives with peace and joy
Ever don't make me feel like a toy

The left last year was one of a kind
It showed me people who played with my mind
It gave me people who loved me more
It gifted me friends who never made me bored

It gave me moments which made me cry
It gave me guts to make more try
It made my memories with remembering tears
Which stays in my mind and will last for years

I was expelled to all kind of things
Sometimes fear and sometimes wings
I was taught of many ways to live
Finally I learned to forget and for give

I wish you would teach me right and wrong
I hope you would make me much more strong
Coach me and make me much more brave
That I could send you with a bold and bright wave!!!

© Shahi Thaniya 615:)
© Shahi Thaniya 615 :)