

The filthy look in your orbs when you look at her;
Makes her feel disgusted and tremble in fear;
That she should leave or else something might happen to her ;
Your eyes deserve a finger jab so they never in her direction steer ;
She hates her body in adulthood for having allowed it ;
Because you touched her inappropriately at an age when she wasn't even aware of it ;
While taking the vows of marriage and leaving her family, she didn't expect to be hit;
Is her love and sacrifice worth it, well forget it, anyway, your egoistic pea-sized brain won't get it ;
When she got raped, all you were worried about was your reputation;
Not thinking of tying that rapist to the train tracks of the nearest railway station;
A rapist is dead in just one go when he's hanged, I mean IF he is ;
Don't you think for a living yet dead raped girl, an infinitesimal of a punishment it is;
Throwing acid at her heartlessly ;
Just because she rejected your confessions relentlessly;
Is that what love is for you ;
Well, if it is, then, screw you! 🙂
© poetriyabhagwani