

My ink bleeds like my heart
Women have given me a black rose instead of red,
A day come and a day go
Seasons after seasons
You pull me back to feel of it's pain.

You made my sun to rise in the west
When I thought you were the maiden to lift my adrenaline,
Every thing seemed so perfect and real
Ohh it was an illusion to trap me
And kept on pulling back to the trap
However much I try to fall off.

The days you looked deep into my eyes and whispered into my ears
You captured my pules as you became my muse
The rain droped honey to our great moments
But all was to pull me back to the trap,

And now my ink bleeds like my heart
I can't seem to set off the prison
You chained my broken heart in,
Just a chance, don't pull me back.

© Gilbert Charles
@ MasterPen D'Poet