

It just not a word to hide your mistake
I am just fed up of listening
Could anyone really tries to know the meaning behind it
Nowadays it's a fashion to say sorry
Things not done here, people thinks they are saying sorry ,to be favour on other,they think they are keeping their ego side for saying this
I really don't understand How ego came here,and Why you have done the mistake,??or if it is done by you,then its your duty to regret on it,try to solve it,not just to say sorry and move on or saying sorry to repeat this mistake
You really need to understand that It is the other person's favour on you to forgive you
Give a concern on this,sorry really means alot
There is deepness in it
Please stop making fun of this word!
#sorry #writico #WritcoQuote #writcopoem #writcopoem@Lipsa8074