

Letter Of Love: To Mother

You sat me under the shade of trees,
Reading out words which made no sense;
Not once did you lose faith,
Or dare let me be.

A slow and steady learner, I was,
The doggy-end to all kids jokes.
Duffer! Failure! And so much more.
You were my beacon of hope.

With tender patience, you unraveled such code,
Each letter a puzzle, a world once unexplored.
The pages danced before my eyes,
A kaleidoscope of magic in disguise.

In your gentle voice, such words came alive;
A symphony of whispers, where each one thrived!
You held my hand through every stumble,
Teaching me to read, and how to stay humble.

Soon words became such loyal friends,
Their shapes and sounds, a path which never ends.
A symphony of letters, each with a role.
Unlocking a universe, hidden in a book's soul.

Through fairy tales and adventures untold,
You fostered a love for stories, bold and old.
Characters danced across the page,
Breathing life into my tender stage.

I stumbled over syllables and tangled my tongue,
But never you wavered, your faith remained undone.
Such unwavering belief had lit my way,
Pushing the shadows of illiteracy away.

As words began to make ease and sense,
I discovered a world of boundless immense!
Books transformed to gateways of dreams,
Where possibilities bloomed like sunlit beams.

I now stand tall, a reader with pride,
No longer bound by an ignorance stride.
For you, my mother, my guiding light,
In your arms, I found my flight.

To you, dear mother, I owe my wings;
The gift of reading, the joy it brings!
From illiteracy's grasp, I finally broke free,
All because you believed in me.

© Quiet Winter