

one breath
The stories of his depression made her insomnia finally rest.
She showed him her scars and he learned about her control.
He put the bottle down just to pick her up!
She threw down the needle, so he could sew her back together!!
All these weaknesses.... are they strength?
She held his hand with the same hand that hurt her so.
He saved every tear he has cried just to keep her hydrated.
She drank him up like she's never taken a drink before.
Souls chipped away so perfectly that they will only fit together.
Do we know when we're being carved if we aren't the ones doing the carving?
Does he know that his pain has given her strength?
Does she know her strength cures his pain?
They dance together on their glass floor.
Above their preserved wreckage...
Dancing forever and never looking down.
Breathing each other's breath with every new step.
Hurdles become decorations in the room where they won't let go.
But, its what they hold onto now that has changed their lives forever.
The scars didn't heal and,
The nightmares still come.
But the dance shines the light elsewhere,
Right off her eyes for him!
Right off his smile for her!
Brilliance lies within a broken glass....
Beauty lies within those broken hands.
© Kasey Spotanski