

philosophy of kesar iqbal
what is life and what is all about??
we all are born at different
places in different cultures and in a different families too
however it is our growth that matter
the most
the way we think
is influced how we are raised
growth is natural
and it is affected socially
and now we came in this life
and we have to be
life is a car
and you are a driver
it is upto you how you
drive it
you will be a great driver
only when first you will be
a great mistaker
you will lead life up to best
only when you will learn
by experience and your
experience will become
your strength
so be a driver he who drive
his life upto the best
and he also give other
the way to lead to the best
but yes influence is thier
you have to learn
what is going on thier
life and by chance the
same happens with you how
you will learn and how you will
tackle it so think about it
now we now life is full of
everything pleasure pain
happiness sadness
grief and whatever is thier
whatever you have faced or facing right
now is the life
you need to tackle it
don't say it is impossible
it is possible
don't be sad
if other having
the pleasure
may be it is
a new verision
and you don't know
because you still haven't faced it
most of us we are not happy
in life because our wants
remaint just a dream of future
that future never came
in between and we don't enjoy
what we are
helpless we take some path
that are so harm....
so it is upto us to decide first
in middle of path
we can't choose to go back
and nither we want to go ahead
we remaint where we are
so that's why we need
to choose a path
that should be carefully
observed by looking
at both pros and consequence
life is not the dream
that you are dreaming for
it is how you are living for it
and how you work for it
and when you get result
how you react to it
life should be devoid
of expectation
it should be of
acceptance nature
and let it come
to face and
you are a race so race it.
live your life
love your life
© alone life