

Buried Memories
Wayne closes his eyes and points
As the ground sinks deep and low
Thank goodness nobody will see
The package he will stow

After four years of marriage
His wife took the better half
His house. His dog and Mercedes
But he got a decent laugh.

He opens his eyes and sees them
Memories the broken man can't show
Boxes, crates, and clothing
Hidden deep below

As he throws in one last thing
He says, "This is the last sack!"
She asked for fifty percent
But she was breaking the camel's back

As it hit bottom he seals the loot
Three hundred feet below
Soon a woman will be late for work
Where she is no one knows.

As he leaves, he tips his hat
With a bit of solemn cheer
As he says bids farewell to his four wives
From only twenty years.

© Geoffrey Shelton