

Autumn's Waltz
In amber hues of autumn's embrace,
A woman dances with gentle grace.
As leaves cascade in a whispered sigh,
She mirrors nature's melancholy cry.

Her eyes, like fiery embers, aglow,
Reflect the beauty that time bestows.
In every step, a tale is told,
Of love, of longing, and secrets untold.

Her hair, a tapestry of russet and gold,
Flutters in the wind, untamed and bold.
She's like the season, in her transition,
Embracing change with quiet intuition.

In her presence, the air turns crisp,
Her spirit, vibrant, as the sunlight kissed.
Like falling leaves, she sheds her fears,
Welcoming wisdom with the passing years.

With every stride, she sheds a tear,
For the fleeting moments, now held dear.
But in that melancholy, she finds solace,
In the cycle of life, her heart finds promise.

She knows that autumn is not an end,
But a prelude to what the future will send.
With each leaf that falls, a new chapter begins,
And she, like autumn, embraces what life rescinds.

So let her dance, this woman of fall,
In harmony with nature's grand call.
For she's a testament to resilience and grace,
A crossroads where woman and autumn embrace.
© Quite Winter