

Growing Old (how fast the seasons go)
Life goes by in the blink of an eye.
It's funny the way things go.
All the hello's and all the goodbye's.
Watching your children grow.

Had friends you swore would be forever.
Now they're just fond memories.
Had big dreams that will happen never.
They just flew away in the breeze.

Eventually you realize, nothing is permanent.
That there's no guarantee you'll wake up tomorrow.
Good times and bad times came and went.
A lot of laughter, A lot of sorrows.

You watch the seasons change over and over again.
They go faster and faster, every year.
You just never know what life will send.
Start to wonder how much longer you'll be here.

You know you dont want to die with regrets.
So you start trying to make amends.
You realize that this is as good as it gets.
You stop trying to keep up with the trends.

And this how far i've gotten, so far.
So I cannot tell you how it ends.
Some say it is already written in the stars.
I say, let go and let God.......Amen

© James L. Babcock Jr.