

Waking up
My alarm clock rings
Like a howler monkey I can’t silence quick enough
The unbearable sound thumping against my eardrums
Playing the most disturbing and cringe sound

But only for the moment,
The only peace in the start of my day before pandemonium breaks loose
I know the snooze button is running—
The sound of a million bees buzzing in my ear, And I would rather feel the wrath of their stings than listen to that treacherous noise.

Now I’m awake
At least I think I am…for the time being
It’s like my eyelids just did a CrossFit workout and are too tired to open
Like the sandman mistook krazyglue for the sand he threw in my eyes while I was sleeping
The covers are pinning me down and I’m too exhausted to fight back
I feel myself drift—

Oh no
What time is it?
A mental fire alarm sends a jolt down my body
Giving life to what seemed lifeless
A panic sets in
Like a Black Friday shopping spree and you have to get that last TV
The forecast in my brain is still predicting fog
But the rest of my body has no time to waste
With every once of energy I force the covers off
Like the grand opening of a new store I’m able to tear open the nonexistent seal that shut my eyes
I stumble out of bed
Like a toddler learning to walk
Shuffling my feet until I gain balance
Eventually the shuffles turn to strides
Finally, my day has begun.

#poem #spokenword #spokenwordpoetry #sleep #morning #notamorningperson #bed #wakeup #awake