

shut myself down
When I feel like going around in circles,
And not coming to an end;
When I have to put in all my efforts,
when both of us promised to be good friends.
When I can feel my heart growing heavier
as it is about to burst;
Love is in the air,
but I am too lazy to quench my thirst.
I prefer to walk on eggshells
instead of letting it out;
I hate begging on my knees,
so I shut myself down.

I am filled with flames of anger,
so I am burning inside;
I am not going to blink
because that teardrop might slide.
I want to scream so hard
to let the weight off my mind;
Seeing them with someone else
makes me want to be blind.
My phone keeps ringing,
but I just stare, keep listening to its sound
I have words ready to say
but I still shut myself down.

When the cruel waves of emotions
inside me keep swaying me away;
When my desire to take my last breath,
keeps getting stronger day by day.
When the darkness of night
starts pulling me in;
When I become a criminal
without any sin.
When I become so numb
that I can't feel my eyes tearing out;
I just sit on the ground
to shut myself down.

When I feel so miserable,
crawling like a worm;
When I see no one embracing me,
I just wait for the storm.
I hate it when I have to ask for the love,
I know I deserve;
So I wait for the sky to fall down and hug me tight,
so I can feel its love.
How can I search for a soulmate
when my own soul is nowhere to be found?
It's so scary to see another rising sun
when I just want to shut myself down.

#writco #WritcoQuote #writersofinstagram #poem #Love&love #sad #emotions #Love&love💞 #words
© breeze_of_feb