

love always your mom
If my life should end today or tomorrow
Know this time on earth was only mine to borrow
Please do not cry for me or bow ur head
Dry your tears n smile instead
Do not for 1 second ask why
Because things happen we live n we die
Do not feel sadness when u hear my name spoken
Let it mend your heart that was once broken
Have i not left an impact on you all in some way
We will definitely meet again someday
Have i not taught you every lesson i know
Do u not hear me whispering when the wind starts to blow
Have i not given you memories laughs and stories to share
I know ur upset n you think lifes unfair
But life is what you make it so get out there
Never take things for granted be thankful for all you got
Before you pass judgement give it some thought
Like the pictures i used to always wanna take you guys said that was stupid before
I bet you dont think they're stupid anymore
Pictures to me are treasures I was amazed at how i was able to capture a moment in time so fast
A glimpse i can cherish from the past
Now u cherish each other n live life to the fullest extent
Never stress over shit you cant prevent
Know that i love you all with all of my heart
Remember what i told you from the start
Hold out your hand
I need you to understand
Together no one can break u guys
Separated is more dangerous then u may realize
Dont ever turn on each other loyalty is all you got
Manuel never forget the lessons u wete taught
Manny ur the one i count on to hold it together ok
I trust you'll guide them the right way
I'm so proud of you thank you for always putting things into prospective for me
if ever you start to miss me in ur heart is where I'll be
Daniel you have a heart gold never change who you are ur unique in so many ways
Your my bestest friend Daniel for always
My heart my protector the one who kept me sane from the start
I love you son i will be in your heart
Cheekie u are more beautiful then you'll ever know
Gorgeous from head to toe
Remember our promise your gonna be a doctor dont forget
Ur so intelligent your gonna be set
I live on in your heart I'm always with you
I'll be behind u in all you do
Look after each other n shoot for the stars dont stop till u get there
nothing in ur way but opportunity an air

© poetrybyrosierossi