

"Finding your light "
Sometimes I feel the world is cold and unkind,
Lost in my thoughts, with love hard to find.
I trust too easily, a fool in disguise,
Yet when I stay silent, they see rudeness in my eyes.

One day I was drowning, caught in despair,
Then a whisper broke through, a sound in the air.
I searched for the source, but it slipped from my grasp,
Until I looked in the mirror, and the truth held me fast.

My reflection spoke gently, a voice soft and clear,
"Love yourself first, for I’m always right here.
Though the world may be harsh, it’s not all that bad,
I’ll stand by your side, through the happy and sad.

You can talk to yourself, be your own friend,
Why seek validation when your love can transcend?
Cherish me deeply, and I’ll show you the way,
Together we’ll find joy, come what may."

© My Intro World