

The Oasis of Friendship

Friendship is a sturdy shelter, providing refuge in the stormy seas of life,
Shielding us from the harsh winds, protecting us from all strife.
Guiding us towards a future bright, where dreams take flight,
A haven of love and support, where everything feels right.

In the embrace of friendship, we find comfort and peace,
A bond that strengthens with time, as challenges decrease.
Through ups and downs, together we stand,
Hand in hand, facing life's tests, hand in hand.

Friendship's compass points us to shores serene,
Where joy and laughter reign supreme.
With friends by our side, we navigate life's bends,
Creating memories that last, forever and without end.

So let friendship be our compass, our guiding star,
Leading us to a place where love knows no bar.
In this shelter of friendship, we find our true worth,
A sanctuary of connection, the greatest treasure on Earth.

© Ember Rage