

"A Birthday's True Wealth"

In the dawn of July's bright morn,
Chaedam woke, feeling worn.
No grand plans, no festive cheer,
Just the weight of another year.

Pockets empty, dreams on hold,
A birthday tale, often told.
No lavish feast, no grand parade,
Just the silence, where joy once played.

With heavy heart, and weary soul,
Chaedam walked, to find control.
Through the park, where flowers bloomed,
In nature's arms, sadness loomed.

But then a knock, a gentle sound,
Friends with love, gathered 'round.
A simple cake, balloons so bright,
Turned the darkness into light.

Tears of joy, and heartfelt smiles,
Made the day, worth all the trials.
For in the end, it's love that stays,
In the simplest, heartfelt ways.

So Chaedam learned, on that special day,
That wealth in love, is here to stay.
No riches needed, no grand display,
Just the warmth of friends, to light the way.
© inspirelink