


Her eyes so pure, beautiful,
The girl with the innocent smile,
But deep down that eyes hold many pains,
Her smile says many unfold painful stories,
She wish to be out of the world full of sorrow,regrets, and rejection,
The tears aren't flowing,
The cheeks wish to be drained with tears,
The pain is too much to bear,
She needed a hug so dearly,
The heart get weaker each passing seconds...

Rise Dear 'O' dear
For what you desire is as near as your feet to earth,
Let your warmth hug overcome my loneliness,
So my night can relieve of its darkness to the sight of the Moon,
...And let your painful tears
quench my thirst.
For your happiness is mine
So do I become a knight...
...to fight your wars.
-A.H Makarfi
& -Ayeshahadejia
© Ayeshahadejia