


A gentle hand waving to a growing storm Welcoming rain onto Aries fire
Never in time lived such an angel before
Sculpted constellations and stardust desire

She came with the sun in a unveiled day
Holding time with the balance of life,
The soft whisper of snow speaking her name
Paintng sleeping autumn fields with white

Alone in a world being torn from her heart
Every shadow seemed placed in her path
Pushing their spells of unending dark
Scripting their spells of damned painful past

So much was this pain of this beauty betrayed
Hurt by those who would never show love
Her voice cried out with as a echo of flames
Burning across time and a lost heaven above

In a midnight heart emptied by passions' thirst
I found her wave as a ocean of tears
Her stardust was shared with a pulse matching hers
With one word she found peace from her fears

So potent was the star from which they were born
Together their fire would never grow cold
I found the angel that others could not adore
This Phoenix story was bound to my own

In my poems she found the strengthening flames
As I write, she reads these memories
Her bleeding story of pain, nights crying in rain
Broken hearts, sleepless winters, tragedies

I listen to her soul where no one would hear
Each trusting heart she gave took her life
No one would care to see past the cosmos of years
Her mind rested on the edge of a knife

I walked into her mind,with a promise from my heart
I swore to never be another mistake
"To burn by her side, igniting the dark"
These words, only for her , Amber flames.
© Midian